Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WOW! Puzzle Time!

Take a look at what one of our students worked so hard on.
That is a 300 (yes 300!) piece puzzle!!!! It is amazing what our youngest learner a can do if they set their minds to it! Way to go!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

100th Day!

We had a great day celebrating 100 days  of school!

We counted out our food for our special 100th Day Snack. 

We built a structure with 100 cups. 

We searched for numbers 1 to 100. 

We estimated which containers had 100 items in them. 

We made necklaces using 100 Fruit Loops. 

We built rocket ships, houses and towers using 100 pieces of Lego. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

100th Day: 100 Things in a Bag!!

This past week we had our 100th day of school! It's amazing all the learning and growth that has occurred in the last 100 days. We postponed our celebration to Wednesday, February 19th because of a busy schedule last week. The students are looking forward to celebrating their learning on Wednesday.

To help celebrate 100th Day, our students were sent home a sandwich sized ziplock baggie and asked to fill it with a collection of 100 things. So far we have 100 noodles, 100 fishy crackers and 100 marshmallows! We can't wait to see what our friends will bring in for Wednesday and our 100th Day celebration!!!!!

Look at What I Made!

After reading a book called "I Can Make a Flower" in the reading centre, this friend took it to the Art Centre to create his own flower. He followed the instructions in the book, step-by-step, to create his own flower. WAY TO GO!!!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Last Wednesday the students arrived at school to find a DVD player and screwdrivers at the Science and Technology table. They got busy with the tools taking the machine apart and discovering what is inside of it!

Rainbow Loom Bracelets!

This week our students have been hard at work making Rainbow Loom bracelets. They've been using their fine motor skills, exploring measurement when determining how long their bracelet or necklace needed to be, creating patterns and cooperating and working together to teach their classmates how to make the bracelets.