Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shake, Shake, Shake!!!

On Thursday, we created our own maracas using plastic eggs and spoons. We tested out a variety of materials to put in the eggs to make the sounds we liked. We learned beans and rocks make a loud sounds and straws and rice are quieter. After we were done creating, we had a Shake Off!!!! It was lots of fun. Take a look!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Constable O'Neil

On Friday, Constable O'Neil of the Leamington OPP came to visit. He talked with us about strangers, bicycle safety, crossing the road safely and using 911 in an emergency. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Windsor Symphony Orchestra

A great time was had by all at the Symphony on Tuesday. We learned about the different types of instruments that make up the orchestra. Many students enjoyed conducting the orchestra from their seats by using their hands as a conductor's baton. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Jack and Jill

Our Poem of the week is Jack and Jill this week. We've been reading it everyday. Yesterday two friends rewrote the poem and changed Jack and Jill to their names! They worked together to rewrite the poem on a piece of chart paper. Then they practiced reading the poem and using the puppets they acted it out! Amazing!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Glow in the Dark Dance Party!!!

Friday ended with a Glow in the Dark Dance Party! Mrs Flynn, Ms. Gast and some friends from grade five joined us to dance and sing to Roar by Katy Perry. It was lots of fun!

Making Fruit Salad

After reading a poem called 'I Like Fruit' we decided to make fruit salad on Friday. The students did all the work, cutting up the apples, pears, bananas and oranges. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WOW! Puzzle Time!

Take a look at what one of our students worked so hard on.
That is a 300 (yes 300!) piece puzzle!!!! It is amazing what our youngest learner a can do if they set their minds to it! Way to go!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

100th Day!

We had a great day celebrating 100 days  of school!

We counted out our food for our special 100th Day Snack. 

We built a structure with 100 cups. 

We searched for numbers 1 to 100. 

We estimated which containers had 100 items in them. 

We made necklaces using 100 Fruit Loops. 

We built rocket ships, houses and towers using 100 pieces of Lego.