Monday, October 28, 2013

Field Trip to Colasantis

We had a great time on at Colasantis on Friday. A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents that came with us, as well as the parents who volunteered to come but whose names were not chosen in the draw. We hope you can come next time. Mrs. Fanelli and Mrs. Calfas were very proud of our class today. They were all great listeners, polite and kind! They were wonderful representatives of Prince Edward School. 

The first part of our day was spent exploring the petting zoo and getting to know the animals.

Next we ate our lunch and played on the play equipment.

Next we bundled up and went on a wagon ride.

The wagon took us to the Straw Maze. Each pair of students was given a picture of an animal that they had to find the matching picture in the maze!

After we found all the matching pictures, we were challenged to go through the maze again with a golf ball balancing on a spoon. It was a lot harder than it looks!

Next we went pumpkin bowling and found our very own pumpkin in the forest. 
Then we got back on the tractor and headed for the bus and the long ride back to school.

Here we are with Ms. Thomas and our pumpkins!

What a great day!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Patterns Everywhere!

We are learning about patterns this week. We have learned that patterns are something that repeats over and over and over again. We are finding patterns everywhere, even on our clothes!

We have also been creating patterns of our own!

Challenge your child to find a pattern in your home or on an outing. Ask them to 'read the pattern.'
e.g. red, blue, red, blue, red, blue........   or   strawberry, chips, strawberry, chips, strawberry, chips.....

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

On Thursday, Ms. Thomas read us a story called "10 Turkeys in the Road." It inspired some of the artists in our class to create their own turkeys!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

National Tree Day

Prince Edward School celebrated National Tree Day on Thursday by planting a tree in our playground with the City of Windsor. The students had a great time watching how it was planted and some of them even got to help! Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for the ceremony. We hoped you enjoyed our song!

The First Weeks of School

Lots of great things have been happening in Kindergarten the last couple of weeks. The students have been settling in and learning the routines and rules of the classroom. They have been doing an amazing job! Here are some pictures to show you some of the things we have been up to!

We've been building......

We've been creating.......

We've been investigating......

We've been reading......

We've been writing......

We've been playing outside......