Friday, December 13, 2013

Making Gingerbread Boys and Girls

Yesterday we received a great surprise from our Moosey Moose! Gingerbread Dough!! The students had lots of fun rolling the dough, cutting out their gingerbread boys and girls and decorating them. But best of all was eating them!!!!
Reading a story while we wait for them to bake!

All done!

Take a look out our gingerbread boys and girls. Some of them made it home, but most of them ended up in our tummies!!! Yum, yum!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sumo Wrestling!

Yesterday in the front of the school was the Sumo match of the century! Mrs. McGrory vs. Mr. Rousseau. The student's support for the wrestlers was about 50/50.  The students who raised money for the Read-A-Thon had tickets for this awesome event, plus some lucky students whose names were drawn in the raffle won tickets as well. Check out all the photos and scroll down to find out who the champion is!
Mr. Rousseau! 

Mrs. McGrory

After 3 hilarious rounds, Mrs. McGrory is our champion!!! 

Thank you to all of the families who supported this year's Read-A-Thon!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Today we had our first snowfall! The students were so excited to play in the snow.

These students are catching snowflakes on black paper and counting them!
How many snowflakes could there be?????????

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Making Pasta with Ms. Brown

Today, we took a field trip down the hall to Ms. Brown's kitchen. We wanted to see how Ms. Brown sorts the items in her kitchen.

Ms. Brown showed us how she keeps everything sorted and organized in her freezer. This helps her and her helpers know where to find what they need.

He helped get yogurt out of the freezer. He knew right where it was because everything was sorted!

He got the bread for Ms. Brown.

We learned that Ms. Brown sorts her plates, cups, bowls and many other things in the kitchen. She labelled each cupboard so everyone knows where everything goes!

Then Ms. Brown needed our help to sort the cutlery.

We had lots of fun in Ms. Brown's kitchen. THANK YOU MS. BROWN!!!!

Blue Day

Happy Blue Day!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

3D Shapes are everywhere!

We have been exploring 3D shapes in the classroom. The students are finding out that 3D shapes are everywhere!
A cylinder!

A rectangular prism!

A cone!

A cube!

Another rectangular prism!

And another.....and a cylinder too!

A sphere!

Another rectangular prism.....whoa they are everywhere!

And another cylinder!

Ask your child if they can find any 3D shapes around the house!